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Young Audiences of Louisiana

Young Audiences of Louisiana


Branding, Visual Design





Branding, Visual Design




Young Audiences of Louisiana is the leading provider of arts education and integration programs in the state. For over 50 years, they serve to bring quality art curriculums, afterschool /summer programs, performances and more to every student in Louisiana. They are part of the national Young Audiences network.

Throughout the years Deep Fried Advertising developed many print pieces for Young Audiences of Louisiana including business cards, stationery, cover artwork for their resource guide, brochure, special event invitations, and event flyers for their GRoW program. Deep Fried Ads also teamed up with them to develop a logo and business card set for their Community Works program.

Feel free to view some of the content I helped create for Young Audiences of Louisiana as an Advertising and Web Development Intern at Deep Fried Advertising below. 



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