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Operation Restoration

Operation Restoration


Key Goals and Deliverables 
Taking the current state of Operation Restoration, mainly the content of the Louisiana Prison Education Coalition, and working on increasing and improving overall awareness, branded content, photography, cleaner appearance, website development, logo development, etc. (jack-of-all-trades role).



with 1 in 86 adults in Louisiana incarcerated, including 1 in 14 black men. Currently, the 45,000 individuals incarcerated in Louisiana have very limited opportunities to access higher education.

Operation Restoration is a non-profit organization that provides impoverished women and girls access to fundamentals they need to successfully reenter into society after incarceration.  It is comprised of Women's First Clinic, LA-PEC, Operation Girls, Outreach, The Closet, and the Per (Sister) Exhibit. I volunteered my services to help produce branding content for its ancillary organizations, mainly the Louisiana Prison Education Coalition, Closet, and the Women's First Clinic. 

The Louisiana Prison Education Coalition an organization that is committed to increasing the educational opportunities for people currently in prison in Louisiana and all those directly impacted by the prison system. The Closet is a new resource center for women transitioning back into their community following incarceration. There are clothes, shoes, and accessories in this space free of charge for formerly incarcerated women. The Women First Clinic provides classes for formerly incarcerated women to pursue educational goals.  The clinic also provides transportation, childcare, dinner, and individual tutoring, as well as, professional and personal mentorship.  

Feel free to view some of the content I produced for these organizations below. 


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logofinal (2)


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