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Beignet Fest


Beignet Fest


Branding, Visual Design





Visual Design, Branding




Beignet Fest is an annual celebration for one of New Orleans’ most notable treats put on by The Tres Doux foundation. Using proceeds from the festival, the Tres Doux Foundation makes grants to local nonprofit organizations that provide accessible, quality programs for children with developmental delays and disabilities. Their mission is one that completely aligns with Deep Fried’s values, and we immediately jumped at the chance to help their efforts.

For their inaugural year in 2016, Beignet Fest needed to formulate an identity, so we designed a logo that represented the essence of the light-hearted, sugar-topped event. For the festival’s second year, Deep Fried Advertising was commissioned to create their website along with an email template for their communications. Much like the spirit of the logo, the responsive website was designed and developed to exude a fun-loving, lively vibe, using bright color scheme, animation and unique interactive elements. The email marketing template visually followed suit to help cheerfully spread the word about this philanthropic event.

Feel free to view some of the content I helped create as an Advertising and Web Development Intern at Deep Fried Advertising below. 



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